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Bulk Barcode Creator and Print
Create, Generate unlimited Barcode, QRcode with full-features. Ease-to-Use. Support Code39, Code128, QRcode... 99 different barcode types and standards.
This app allows you to create and print a large amount of Barcode, QRcode in your browser.
You can use the CSV data file or Goolge Spread Sheets to create/print barcode.
Supports Chrome, Firefox, IE10+, Safari...
Barcode Type
Sample Text
Data, CSV
*CSV data
Use colums data,  Ignore to rows  
*Page setting for print
Columns count per a page  Rows count per a page
*Barcode image setting
Scale barcode width  Scale barcode height   Align  Vertical Align
*Cell setting wrapped in a barcode
Cell Margin  Border Style  Border Thickness px (0: remove border)
Fixed cell width px  Fixed cell height px (0: auto adjustment to fit the image size)
2025, ⓒ Bulk Barcode Creator and Print